Photo of Imma Merino Spain

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Imma M from a little girl feels the need to express, in a natural refuge in drawing and painting. He spends his childhood and early youth studying and perfecting an art that excites and gives you a way to express their love that is alive, looking at the spirituality and beauty of her surroundings. \"Objects are cuts of the soul of those who have owned, how much more, will not have anything that beats and live?\". At the...

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Photo of Imma Merino Spain

Imma M from a little girl feels the need to express, in a natural refuge in drawing and painting. He spends his childhood and early youth studying and perfecting an art that excites and gives you a way to express their love that is alive, looking at the spirituality and beauty of her surroundings. \"Objects are cuts of the soul of those who have owned, how much more, will not have anything that beats and live?\". At the beginning of his career began working in various artistic fields, but never artistic painting, his true passion. For years baby from different sources to decide which artistic independence. Then enters a process of painting frenzy. Often says, \"Even sleeping I paint and when not painting I have the feeling of wasting time\" never stop painting. No classifications likes, so do not think you have to look but the work resumes. w,immam,blogspot,com


  • 15/09/2011-15/10/2011 Can Baladia – Mataró (individual)

  • 27/08/2011- 28/08/2011. Feria \"ARTS AND ANTIQUES EVENT OF THE HAGE\" La Haya - Holanda

  • 13/08/2011, Museo Municipal de Nazarovo/Siberia. (Colectiva)

  • 10/08/2011-30/08/2011 GALART- Mataro. (Colectiva)

  • 09/08/2011-01-09-2011 \"ESPAÑA-SIBERIA\" Con motivo de Año de España en Rusia, se celebran en varias partes del país eventos culturales dedicados a España, Fui invitada por el Ministro de Arte y Cultura del estado Federal de Krasnoyarsk, en colaboración con la Unión de Artistas de Rusia Sección Krasnoyars y por el artista y Galerista José S. Ocón (curador) para representar junto a 8 compañeros la pintura contemporanea Española.

  • 10-14/11/2010 - Fiarte , feria de Arte en Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicana. Stand FLAMINGO ROAD GALLERY

  • 16/10/2010 - 15/01/2011 - \"LAS PERSONAS Y SU VIDA COTIDIANA\" Kunst Atelier-Galerie KONTRASTE. Erwitte-Horn, Westfalia- ALEMANIA, (Colectiva)

  • 01/07/2010-31/07/2010 - CLUB NAUTICO BARCELONA Pge. Joan de Borbo, 93 BARCELONA, ESPAÑA (Colectiva)
    11/06/2010 - 31/07/2010 -
    EXPOMUNDIAL 2010 - Flamingo Road Galery - BOGOTA, COLOMBIA (Colectiva)

  • 18/04/10-21/04/10- Feria BARCELONA ART, ADNEC- Abu Dhabi , Conference Hall B, ABU DHABI- EMIRATOS ARABES

  • 16/11/09 - 31/12/09 - FLAMINGO ROAD GALLERY , Avda. 27 de febrero, nº 339 Evaristo Morales SANTO DOMINGO, RD (Colectiva)

  • 30/06/2009 - 30-08-2009 - CAL BOSQUER , CARDEDEU ( Colectiva)

  • 23 /04/2009 - 07/05/2009 - GALERÍA ART 22 C/ Anselm Clavé 17001 GIRONA (Colectiva)

  • 11/03/2009 - GALERÍA BALMES BASSOLS “Pintores de la luz” C/Balmes 178 Barcelona

  • 11/09/2008 – 27/09/2008 GALERÍA ESPACIO DE ARTE (Colectiva) “Artistas de Taller On Line” (Olías del Rey)

  • 07/06/2008-30/06/2008 GALERIA SANT POL ART (Sant Pol de mar) (individual)

  • 17/01/2008 – 2/02/2008 GALERÍA ESPACIO DE ARTE (Individual) (Olías del Rey)

  • 15/11/2007- 8/12/2007 GALERÍA ESPACIO DE ARTE (Colectiva) “Artistas de Taller On Line” (Olías del Rey)

  • * 08/06/07 - 19/06/2007 ENLLEURAT (Mataro)

  • 01/06/05 – 30/06/05 GALERIA MIRARTE Burjassot (Valencia ) (Individual)

  • 20/01/2005 - 16/02/2005 \"LA CAIXA\" Avda. el Paral.le.l BARCELONA (Individual)

  • 20/01/05 - 24/01/05 FERIA \"ARTE CUADRO\" Stand Andreu Art (MADRID)

  • 14/01/2005 - 07/02/2005 GALERÍA ANDREU-ART Miami Playa (TARRAGONA) (C

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